• Curriculum 9-12

    Language Arts Literacy
    Language Arts Literacy courses increase critical thinking skills in the areas of reading, writing and speaking. The reading unit measures, analyzes, discusses and expands the skills of rate, comprehension and vocabulary. The literature consists of short stories, contemporary novels, plays and poetry. Teachers utilize interdisciplinary units to include themes from character education, life skills and social studies in their literature choices. Writing includes both self-selected writing as well as teacher-focused writing pieces. Students are taught through the writing process, including pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing; and are encouraged to use appropriate conventions and writer’s craft. Word Study at the high school level focuses on building vocabulary.

    Pineland Learing Center's Math program includes Algebra, Geometry, Financial Literacy and Algebra II and is based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.  Topics introduced in the math courses provide the curricular foundation students require for future success, critical thinking, and problem solving. The primary goal of the math courses is to facilitate concrete mathematical learning and knowledge for its utilization in authentic applications. The curriculum is based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and models content found on the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) assessment. Technology is infused to reinforce, expand upon, and differentiate areas of mathematical study. Pineland Learning Center focuses on and provides an individualized mathematics program. A variety of materials and methods are utilized to meet our students’ varied capabilities. Mathematics is implemented with appropriate adaptations and modifications to meet the individual cognitive skills and abilities of each student.

    At Pineland Learning Center, High School Science students study this subject-based discipline through Biology, Earth Science, and Physical Science education. Students explore scientific concepts using an inquiry-based, hands-on approach in the context of cells, interdependence, flow of matter and energy, heredity, biodiversity and change, comparative anatomy, physiology, and botany. As Pineland Learning Center students prepare for the NJBCT (New Jersey Biology Competency Test) they are immersed in cellular and molecular biology, genetics, ecology and evolution. Additionally, when focused on earth science, our students examine the basic concepts that underlie the interactions of organisms, including humans, with resources in the environment. Earth Science, at Pineland Learning Center, encompasses issues such as climate change, conservation, biodiversity, water quality, and groundwater contamination, the use of natural resources, waste management, disaster reduction, and pollution. At Pineland Learning Center, our Physical Science focuses on the exploration of the relationship and interaction between matter and energy. Students investigate physical science concepts through the New Generation Science Standards of scientific inquiry, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). A variety of materials and methods are utilized to meet our students’ varied capabilities. Science courses are implemented with appropriate adaptations and modifications to meet the individual cognitive skills and abilities of each student.

    Social Studies
    PLC utilizes the History Alive! Program, as developed by Teachers’ Curriculum Institute. The units of study include U.S. History I, U.S. History II, and World History. This program is interactive and includes multiple intelligence teaching strategies and assessments. Learn more at www.teachtci.com.